Thursday, September 12, 2013


I don't know what is up with me, honestly, but procrastinating seems to be a common thing for me right now. Not that I intentionally do it, it just happens. It just so happens that every time I want to study I see something else which is immensely interesting (for instance, right now, my blog). So what's the solution? Shut the computer and get back to books, right? Wrong. Never works for me. My mind is like a clock. Never stops moving, never wants to. So instead of shutting the laptop, I succumb to whatever that is bothering me in hopes that later, I will make up for the time I lost blogging ( It normally works by the way, so no judging)

Anyway, I feel like putting these on paper (or rather on the computer screen) helps me clear my mind. Makes things more real, more definite, since I'm actually writing it down. I wonder why my thoughts don't flow like this when I'm writing my Personal Statement for UCAS. I need to start on it soon 'cause I really don't have much time. Hopefully by constantly ranting in my blog, I'll find some inspiration to write about architecture. 

See, without even meaning to, I'm procrastinating on writing my personal statement as well. Sigh.

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