Saturday, November 22, 2014

For the first time

The other day, I was talking to a good friend about our short/long term goals. The conversation went something like this:

Friend: I want to open up my own business one day so that I become my own boss. 
             I think that way, I can spend more time with the people I love.

Me     : That's great! Me, I don't know, I might make some side income through my artwork.
             Maybe sell them if I think they're good enough. I've gotta get good first.
             I'm trying to save up and make a bit more money now so that I can buy a house later 
            in future.

_______________  and the conversation continues  _______________

The next day, it was just the same old same old.

Woke up at 7 am, made some coffee, and started on a new drawing while watching Suits (Click here to watch the incredibly cute bromance between Harvey Specter and Mike Ross). By the evening, I was done with the drawing and thought it looked good so I posted a photo of it on Instagram (I have tonnes of drawings which I scrap because I hate people judging my bad art work lol, yes, I'm sensitive, sue me). 

Same old same old ... up til the evening.

Suddenly a friend messaged me through Facebook, asking me if I'd like to help draw a portrait of her friend as a birthday gift.

"I'll pay for your help, of course"

At that point, I suddenly became nervous because this was the first time ever that anyone has ever commissioned me to do an artwork. What if it's not good enough? What if they don't like it? How much should I charge?

So many questions were running across my mind at the time. Then I remembered the conversation I had the night before, and before I could register anything in my mind, I've already accepted her offer.

I was so excited that I couldn't even brain it.

The minute she gave me a few photos as reference, I started the outlines and worked on it that night and the day after. 

And guess what? 

I received another order the day after from a another friend!
Now both drawings are done, one has been framed and delivered, the other one framed and waiting to be picked up. 

I'm truly grateful for both these opportunities. I may not be courageous enough to take orders officially but both these drawings are definitely a reminder to me that dreams can come true - we just have to be brave enough to take the opportunities even though it's outside our comfort zone. After all, what are dreams if we don't start somewhere, right?

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