Tuesday, April 25, 2017

My Year

A conversation with my best friend always manages to put things in perspective (which is probably why I love her and we've been best friends for 16 years).

We were just catching up on everything that's been going on in our lives, with her having started her own business and me, well .. doing all sorts of things.

I told her how sometimes I hesitate to do some things because I keep thinking about what other people would think, what my parents would say, the money it costs to do certain things ... And right there and then she just said " Mira, it's your year. Enjoy it. "

And that did put some things in perspective.

Because you know what, yes, it should be my year. Everyone should have their year where they try out new things, try to push their limits and better themselves. So what if my newfound stint doesn't last forever? New things are there for me to try and if I don't like it, stop.

Want to try out a new hair colour? Change it.

Feel like doing an extreme sport? Why not?

Want to start a business? Plan it out and give it a go!

Want to join a 10km run but unfit? Sign up and train for it.

And I think it's amazing what happens when we just believe in ourselves to try. Our body, our mind, is so much more capable than we think. God has given us all a mind, a body and soul. Each of us has a special capability and we should find what that capability. Believe me when I say, a strong mind and willpower, makes a lot of difference.

The most difficult part is to start. Everything that comes after that is up to you, whether you want to continue or stop. 

So here's to my year. A year for new things, pushing limits and especially (finally and hopefully) some self-love.

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