Thursday, December 13, 2012

Hello stranger, may I know who you are?

Hello hi, may I know who you are?
Because your face seems familiar,
But don't think we have met.

For the person I know is irritating, and nags,
but thoughtful, cautious.
Someone I liked to talk to.
and you're just wrong, just weird,
you don't seem to listen, you don't learn from mistakes and you have no respect.
you're just, just different.

So stop claiming that we know each other because we don't.
I only know that person, and I prefer to only know that person.

May I ask you a favor, dear stranger?
bring me the person I know, the one that I honestly miss.
Because if that person is not willing to come back,
I don't think I can get along with you either.
Because you remind me so much,
of that friendship, that trust long lost.

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