Friday, October 24, 2014

It's our choice. So please respect it.

Sometimes I do wonder what people get by badmouthing others. What do people get by shouting

"F*ck you muslims!!" 

“Go back to your own country you f*cking Asians!!!”

“You look like a f*cking terrorist in that burqa. It’s so confronting!”

Honestly, what do these people get for uttering these words?
I doubt it makes them feel that good after saying them. Not to the point they’ll be euphoric.
It’s not like we Asians and Muslims are going to leave the country just because one or two people say it.  
It’s not as if all of us (muslims) will change the way we dress because some say we look very confronting. What’s the point, really?
So what is it that these people get by degrading the race that they deem less worthy than them?   

On hijab
I’ve been asked this question by my non-muslim friends so many times and each time my answer will be something like this:

“It’s a show of modesty. We cover up because and are only allowed to show it to our future spouses and also to our blood relatives.
Islam also teaches us that it’s not just about being modest in appearance, but also in our behaviour. This goes for both men and women”

And the explanation goes on about no sex before marriage, limitations between men and women and so on.
(chewaah terasa macam ustazah jap)

Okay, having said all that, in no way am I implying that we’re the better people because we’re modest and those who don’t cover up are not. No, not at all, far from it.
But what I am saying is, that’s what our God and religion has taught us, and we have chosen to submit to Him and carry out his teachings. It’s a choice we’ve made.
Like how a woman wears a bra when she goes out because it makes her feel more secure, we’ve decided to put on our scarves for the very same reason.

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