I realize that I haven't written anything in the past two months.
Reasons being:
1. I was probably busy.
2. The things I wanted to write about, I did not want to share so publicly.
3. I was happy.
I was happy
I know this is probably an odd statement. I was happy, hence no blog posts.
But you'll understand why in a bit.
Admittedly, 2015 was an emotional roller coaster ride for me.
I suffered academically in the first half the year, I seldom had time for myself, I was always tired,
and I suffered a tremendous heartbreak.
But eventually things started to get better when I let myself feel better.
My better days started when I decided to give myself a chance tp be happy.
So here's to 2015
A year that taught me that;
It's okay to put yourself first before others sometimes. You have to be fair to yourself.
You need to love you.
Good times don't always last and it sucks. But the bad times don't last either. Sometimes, good things have to end in order to make way for better things.
Verily, He is the best planner.
You have to be brave enough to walk away from the things that hurt you.
Though it may seem like giving up, what's the point on fighting for something that gives you no benefit?
We should expect less of people.
Give more where possible.
We're humans.
We hurt,
We cry,
We get disappointed,
We hope,
We love,
We need,
We make mistakes.
These are inevitable.
Embrace them,
get back up when you fall down,
And just give yourself a chance to be happy.
Because heck, we deserve it.
I don't know what to expect,
but I hope it'll be a good year.
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